As a non-resident, you can be liable to income tax and wealth tax on your French incomes or on your properties located in France. 


According to the tax treaty signed between France and your country of residence, your incomes and wealth can be taxed in France under the French tax system provisions.


If you earn incomes from properties located in France (rental on a regular or occasional basis), you will be liable to "Personal income tax" (in French "impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques").

Personal income tax (PIT) is a tax on all income available to individuals in a given year (1st January - 31st Decembre).
It is calculated for each “fiscal household”, i.e. the family unit composed of either a single person, or two partners and their children or other dependents. In addition to deductions, assessment of income tax also factors in the “family quotient” (number of units in the household). 

Non-resident individuals are taxed at a minimum rate of 20% on their French taxable incomes unless they can established they could benefit from a lower rate if all their worldwide incomes were taxable in France (in this case, this lower rate is applied to the sole French incomes).

Incomes / units in the household Basis Rate
Lower than 9 700 €  9 700 €  Exempted
Between 9 700 € and 26 791 € 17 091 € 14%
Between 26 791 € and 71 826 € 45 035 € 30%
Between 71 826 € and 152 108 € 80 282 € 41%
Over 152 108 € Incomes exceeding 152 108 € 45%


An annual tax payable by individuals whose net wealth worth exceeds a certain amount (1.300.000 € for the 2016 fiscal year) : "Wealth Tax" (in French "impôt de solidarité sur la fortune").

For non-residents, only the properties located in France are taken into account.

Wealth tax is assessed as following :

Wealth  Basis Rate
Lower than 800 000 €  0  Exempted
Between 800 000 € and 1 300 000 € 500 000 € 0,50%
Between 1 300 000 € and 2 570 000 € 1 270 000 € 0,70%
Between 2 570 000 € and 5 000 000 € 2 430 000 € 1,00%
Between 5 000 000 € and 10 000 000 € 5 000 000 € 1,25%
Over 10 000 000 € Wealth exceeding 10 000 000 € 1,50%

ILIADE can assist you and prepare your personal tax returns, help you to respect the deadlines and compliance rules.

Contact us!